When people join a team or begin to work for a new manager, it can take some time to figure out the manager’s expectations. Wouldn't it be nice if how to work with someone was clearly presented to you up front? For example, what do they want, what's their work style, what can I expect, what are their beliefs, what should I know about them personally?
When people join a team or begin to work for a new manager, it can take some time to figure out the manager’s expectations. Wouldn't it be nice if how to work with someone was clearly presented to you upfront? For example, what do they want, what's their work style, what can I expect, what are their beliefs, what should I know about them personally?
Why It Matters
Often times we don't know we have broken rules with a manager or in a business until we break them. If we create a way to proactively have a conversation about expectations, we will be less likely to misunderstand the rules, and better equipped to get somebody connected, build a relationship, and be more quickly productive.
How It’s Done
You will see a SAMPLE "How to Work With Me" form filled out. Following that is a blank copy you can use.
Create yours, and have each of your direct reports do the same. Feel free to share the template with colleagues, your boss, etc.
Provide others with directions on how to be most successful with you as a manager!
Here is a sample below (the blank form follows):
image.png287.37 KB For more information, please ask your coach to send you "Designing Your Relationships", also from the BetterManager library!